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Posted October 7, 2024 at 6:20 am

Real talk: I made that post last week about figuring out street teams for Volume II, then immediately got wrapped up in deadlines and haven't had time to think about it since (getting my Covid/flu shots halfway through the week didn't help). Sorry! In all honesty, I'm not sure I'll have time this week either, but I would still love to give back to everyone who recommends or leaves a review for Volume II somehow, so I'd like to start collecting people's street team info now so I have it on file for when I DO have rewards figured out:

Fill out the Glass Scientists: Volume II Street Team form HERE!

For those who need a refresher, a street team is made up of everyone who helps spread the word about a new book, whether that be leaving a review on Goodreads, posting about it on social media, or making a recommendation to a friend group. If you do any of these things for The Glass Scientists: Volume II, please fill out the form above so I can say thank you ( some fashion that I will figure out as soon as possible)!
