Uuuuugh, y'all. I have just had the most exhausting and unpredictable week, including three bouts of insomnia caused by three wildly different sources. I've been catching up a bit on sleep this weekend (I think I slept 10 hours last night?) but I'm still feeling a bit disoriented and eager for things to be a little more predictable for a bit so I can get my bearings.
On the plus side, I talked to my doctor at the LA LGBT center about beginning the process for top surgery this week! I've been putting it off for a long time because A) surgery scary and B) I keep telling myself I don't "need" it because my chest is small enough that a decently compressive sports bra will hide it, but given The Current Political Situation it seems wise to take medical action while I still can. I also keep telling myself things like, "There are other trans folks with worse dysphoria than you, they should get access to top surgery before you do," but I'm pretty sure that's part of a larger pattern of my brain disguising inertia and anxiety as some sort of leftist praxis. Anyway, the LGBT Center continues to be the chillest experience I've had with any kind of doctor ever!
Also, Street Team Update!: I fully forgot to send out lock screens to last week's street team submitters! I'm sorry about that! I've just gone down the list, so everyone who submitted as of this Sunday afternoon should have their rewards in their email inboxes!