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Posted October 14, 2024 at 6:20 am

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This is another one of those surreal pages--well, the whole scene, really--where I think, "Wow, I've waited ten years to get to this point." This scene is one of the main reasons I wanted to write this story in the first place, to create a version of these characters where Jekyll was the scary one. For all Hyde's claims of demonic wickedness, his are little more than the impulsive actions of a child. But Jekyll is very much an adult, whose mature rationality and discipline turn very dangerous indeed when matched with a capacity for self-hatred so intense that it approaches a kind of twisted ecstasy.

For clarity, what Jekyll is doing here is a callback to this moment way back in Chapter Seven. The rules of Jekyll's unconscious mind are a little tricky, but the idea here is that descending all the way to the bottom of the spiral staircase is akin to sinking into quicksand or a black hole; Hyde can't go in after him without getting stuck down there as well. Jekyll is, for all intents and purposes, killing himself. He's doing it to save the Society, but on a more visceral level, he's really doing it to punish Hyde.

PRE-ORDER CAMPAIGN UPDATE: . . . not to switch gears entirely, but the international rewards for the Volume II pre-order campaign went out this week! Shoot me an email if you haven't received yours yet! I've finished signing all the domestic pre-order bookplates, so domestic pre-order rewards should begin going out soon!