Tomorrow I'm going to be revealing the cover for The Glass Scientists: Volume III (a.k.a. the final volume!!!) on my newsletter--if you haven't signed up yet, now's a good time to make sure you don't miss it!
Also uhhhhh I'm just gonna say it: I had very high hopes at the start of this year to start updating this newsletter on a more regular basis, but in practice, a lot of Life Stuff (job hunt, freelance, fostering two cats, wildfires) have gotten in the way. I still plan to post more original content moving forward, but for now, you can certainly count on plenty of posts leading up to the launch of Volume 3--early art drops? WIPs? behind-the-scenes drama? Hopefully all of the above!
I also wanted to announce that I'll be closing new entries for the Glass Scientists: Vol II Street Team campaign soon! I'll leave the form up for a couple more weeks, so if you'd still like to receive your exclusive phone lock screens, don't forget to submit!