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Posted April 29, 2024 at 6:20 am

Well, it looks like I'm starting a new job next week!

Given the current state of the animation industry (*silent scream*) I was expecting to have a significant period of downtime following the end of my current supervising directing gig this Friday. But one of my friends offered me a job on her show, so it looks like I'll be gainfully employed through September! This is a good thing overall but will make my timeline for finishing Volume 3 of The Glass Scientists . . . very interesting. My hope is that I can catch up on the work I was planning to do now after the new job ends, but to break even and make time for TCAF next week, I'll have to work at triple my current page rate this week. And there's a lot of crowd shots. So . . . as I often say as of late, please send thoughts and prayers!
