Have you left a review on Goodreads or recommended this comic to a friend? Fill out the Glass Scientists: Volume II Street Team form HERE!
This is another one of those pages I've been building to for literal years, so . . . I really hope it lands lol
Street team update!: I am finally, finally reaching the point where I have just enough free time to create the rewards for Volume II's street team! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted so far--I am truly humbled that so many people pitched in without even a concrete reward in place. Ordinarily, I hate to keep you waiting for so long, but the deadline for Volume III was truly a beast, and I am only now beginning to crawl out from under the backlog of tasks I had to set aside to get it done.
I'm hoping to get the street team gifts done this week. Once again, I think I will be doing a lock screen (aiming for 2 again, but let's see where inspiration leads me), and I hope y'all like it!
Additionally, a few months ago I floated the possibility of recruiting fanartists to submit their own lock screen art, an idea that immediately made me descend into a very specific neurotic anxiety spiral that is too silly to warrant an explanation, but!! I saw that a couple people expressed interest in submitting their work, and I thought it might be nice to offer their lock screen art alongside mine. I also saw that I didn't actually tell anyone how to contact me about that, so:
If you would like to submit your fanart for the Glass Scientists: Volume II street team campaign, please email me at glitterygothic at gmail dot com ! I specifically saw Thaddeus and Jamie express interest, but I would like to welcome anyone else, as well! Please submit your work in 1920x1080p format!