SHOP UPDATE: It's the holidays! If you would like to order a
Christmas present from my shop I would recommend ordering by next Sunday, the 16th of December, to ensure it gets to you in time! (for domestic orders--international orders will take quite a bit longer)
Also, BLOG UPDATE!: Is Tumblr dying? I've loved seeing the TGS fanart and fanfiction from you guys for the past couple years, but with all the concern about Tumblr's latest rule changes, I wanted to know: Are some of you leaving Tumblr? I would love to continue following you guys and promoting your work, but if you're leaving Tumblr, please tell me where you'll be and how to find you! So far I've basically just relied in searching "the glass scientists" on Tumblr to find new fanwork.
The conversation between the Creature and Jekyll gets cut quite a bit short, and in their usual manner, the Creature has unveiled as little of their inner life as possible. The subject of "wait, why does the Creature continue to stay with Frankenstein?" is an important one, but there wasn't room to elaborate on it in this particular scene. (This is an embarrassing consequence of me knowing my own characters well enough that I forget that I have to explain them to readers. Also a consequence of me having my characters for so long that it's been years since I've actively thought about their backstories.)