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Posted June 24, 2024 at 6:20 am

IRL UPDATE: I'm going to be selling signed copies of The Glass Scientists: Volume II through my local independent bookstore, Chevalier's Books! I'm not sure I'll be able to offer personalized signed bookplates with this pre-order campaign, but if you order through Chevalier's, you can request personalized messages, dedications, or simple sketches along with my signature, if you would like!

You can order here, or by clicking the banner link above!

As with Volume I, if you've already pre-ordered from a major retailer like Amazon, feel free to cancel and place a new order through Chevalier's to support independent booksellers! Unfortunately, I don't think they'll be able to offer international shipping. I'm hoping that I can offer something to my international readers, but I'm not sure what yet (let me know if you have any ideas!).
