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Posted October 25, 2021 at 7:20 am

The weather has been so beautiful the last few weeks. It's seriously the nicest, mildest, most Halloween-est fall season in a decade. And I'm wasting it sitting in my office writing emails!!! Agh!!! I mean, I'm very happy to be working, but you only get so many nice autumns in your life, you know? I don't know what it is, but despite the perfect weather, I haven't managed to drown myself in Halloween stuff like I usually do: spooky drinks, spooky movies, spooky podcasts . . . normally around this time of year I listen to Spooked, but either I've grown out of it or the work I'm doing is too stressful to really get immersed in a spooky story. 

Does anyone have any recommendations for Halloween-y content? Podcasts, audiobooks, youtube videos? 
