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Posted June 19, 2023 at 6:20 am

Hey all! I've just put together a little page of FREE ways you can support The Glass Scientists leading up to publication day! Pre-ordering is still the best way to support my work, but if you're not able to at the moment or are looking for additional ways to get the word out, please check it out HERE! For a Cliffnotes version:

1) Click the "WANT TO READ" button on The Glass Scientists Volume One Goodreads page! Or, if you want to be even more helpful, you can leave a review or a rating!

NOTE: Please be sure to use the link above for the book listed under "S.H. Cotugno" NOT the one listed under "Sabrina Cotugno." Because trans now!

2) Request The Glass Scientists Volume One at your local library using this handy guide!

3) Post about The Glass Scientists on social media or like/comment/subscribe to me on my social media! I'm @arythusa everywhere.

Also, I wanted to point out that the song featured on this page is Love's Old Sweet Song, which would have been popular in the year The Glass Scientists takes places (1885). Let me know in the comments what sad love song you think Jekyll would be listening to if the story took place today!
